Educational Consultant and Home-Learning Coach

The world of education is evolving and there are more choices than ever — there’s never been a better time to focus on what’s best for your child. Let’s work together to help your family find educational balance, ease, and success.

Educational Decisions

Some students thrive in traditional schools, while others need a learning environment that is tailored to their individual needs. Exploring school options can be time-consuming and time-sensitive - I can help you streamline the process and support you and your child every step of the way.

Home Learning 

Creating a joyful, productive learning environment at home is not easy and the experience can be overwhelming. There are a range of factors from designing a schedule to minimizing conflict with your child. I can help you create an experience that supports the well-being of the whole family. 

Academic Support

If your child has learning difficulties, choosing or creating the right learning environment can be a particular challenge. I can provide remote individualized support for your child or help you find a program that will provide support locally.

With over 20 years of curriculum development and teaching experience, Apple Gifford offers counseling, consultation, and direct support to families from pre-school to college.

With over 20 years of curriculum development and teaching experience, Apple Gifford offers counseling, consultation, and direct support to families from pre-school to college.

I just spent one of the most inspirational hours I’ve had in a long, long time. I feel so much more settled and reassured. The basic shift is one from feeling that I’m just hanging on, trying to accommodate this new normal, to feeling that I can make this work in a way that brings some unexpected pleasure to my life and to my children’s lives. That it might actually be better.
— L. Crawford